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So how much do you know about ADCET? Take our fun and informative quiz to test your knowledge! 

You will go into the draw for a $100 gift voucher for answering the quiz correctly.

The quiz closed on 9 December 2022.

Questions and Answers

Q: ADCET is hosted by which university?

Q: Who was the first person spotlighted by ADCET in the Disability Practice in the Spotlight?
A: Doug McGinn

Q: In an ADCET blog article featuring student Breanna Medcalfe, she provided a checklist for transition to university. Which is NOT a recommended strategy?

  • Start the process of transition and contact the university early – this saves for a rushed enrolment and transition
  • Stick up for yourself and be upfront with the university as to what you need – don’t be afraid to fight for assistance
  • Hang out at the on-campus bar and club events instead of going to lectures – it's a great way to meet people
  • Discuss potential placements with the university to determine if they will cover your support needs

A: Hang out at the on-campus bar and club events instead of going to lectures – it's a great way to meet people

Q: How many e-Learning programs are available on the Disability Awareness website?
A: 6

Q: Which ADCET guidelines were developed as a response to the Vision Australia report (2018) titled “Online, but offtrack: barriers to online learning experienced by university students who are blind or have low vision.”
A: Online Access for Tertiary Students who are Blind or Vision Impaired

Q: What were the titles of the 3 GAA’Day challenges ADCET ran for Global Accessibility Awareness Day in 2021?

Q: How many webinars did ADCET host in 2019?
A: 15

Q: What do the initials UDL represent?
A: Universal Design for Learning

Q: How many Communities of Practice (CoP) does ADCET currently support?
A: 4

Q: In what year was the Pathways 8 conference held in Hobart?
A: 2006

Q: The ADCET Assist service is available to assist educators and disability support staff with queries relating to __________?
A: Accessibility, Teaching and Assistive Technology

Q: ADCET won the Educational Website of the Year at the Australian Access Awards in what year?
A: 2021