Disability Practitioners - your most important contact
Known under many titles (e.g., Disability Services Officer, Equity Support Officer, Disability Liaison Officer) a DP is a person employed by a post-secondary education provider to provide support, assistance and information for students with a disability or medical condition.
Some of the primary responsibilities of a DP include:
- organising reasonable adjustments through an Access Plan or other internal arrangements
- referring to relevant support and learning services
- working to promote both students and the education provider’s interests
- educating, promoting and informing staff and others about equity issues
- coordinating and facilitating support service staff
Top tip: Make contact with your Disability Practitioner as early as possible. This will involve disclosing your disability and the effects of this on your study. Disclosure is a personal decision, but there are many advantages to disclosing. Click here to find more information about disclosing your disability.
You may need to have a Health Practitioner Report completed before you see the disability practitioner.