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12@12 Recordings

12@12 Your midweek recharge

Are you feeling the effects of compassion fatigue? Is work draining your energy? Need some self-care strategies to recharge and replenish?

These bite-size sessions are just 12 minutes long.

We understand you’re busy and it’s hard to fit one more thing into your day. But we also understand that self-care is critical for you and for the important work you do in our sector.

That’s why we’ve made these sessions as short as possible to make it as easy as possible for you to join.

  • Learn just one idea – from the latest wellbeing science.
  • Hear one practical and easy way - to apply it at work.
  • Consider how you can play – to see if it’s the right fit for you.
  • Create tiny wellbeing habits along the way – to make it effortless.

Use the ideas yourself or share them with students, colleagues or your family to create ripples of greater wellbeing.

Create some tiny changes in your day for a big impact!

Jolts of Joy

Short-circuit a downward spiral of negative emotions with a short sharp jolt of joy to broaden your brain’s capacity.

Jolts of Joy presentation slides

Balancing Bias

Balance your built-in negativity bias and focus with perspective, clarity and hope.

Balancing Bias presentation slides

Create an Inner Ally

Replace your inner critic with a wise and caring friend that’s both kinder and much more effective.

Create an Inner Ally presentation slides

Rethinking Stress

Given that it’s not stress itself but the way most of us think about stress that is harmful - do you need to rethink stress?

Rethinking Stress presentation slides

Sharing Good News

How you listen to good news can have more impact on your relationships then how you listen to bad news. Build trust and rapport with Active Constructive Listening. 

Sharing Good News presentation slides

Permission to be Human

Permission to be Human. Become more comfortable with uncomfortable emotions and the messages they have for us.

Permission to be Human presentation slides

At Our Best

At our Best. Become an active strength spotter in yourself and others using the language of the VIA character strengths. 

At Our Best presentation slides

Using Strengths the Goldilocks Way

Using Strengths the Goldilocks Way. Consider what’s the right character strength, in just the right amount at just the right time. 

Using Strengths the Goldilocks Way slides

Are You There Yet?

Are you there yet? Do self-doubts and worries about failing stop you doing things? Do you sometimes feel like an imposter at work? Learn how a growth mindset can boost your confidence.

Are You There Yet? slides

Does Mindfulness Matter?

Does Mindfulness Matter? As the popularity of mindfulness in workplaces continues to grow, hear more about how it’s connected to our wellbeing, and take-away some easy mindfulness practices you can use through your day.

Does Mindfulness Matter? slides