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CDL for students living with disabilities

These resources are foundational to the CDL Hub and include the main project outputs as downloadable PDFs. These are: Best Practice Principles for CDL for students with disability, Audit of current practice, Background paper and Final report of the research.

Best practice principles for career development learning for students with disability

The Best Practice Principles outlines a set of eight Best Practice Principles for career development learning for students with disability. These were identified from analysis of the literature as well as interviews with students with disability, parents and carers, careers practitioners and other experts in the field. The document also includes a description of the process through which the Principles were developed.

Download: Best practice principles for CDL for students with disability (pdf)

Background paper

The Background paper scoped and analysed literature that explicitly referred to the overarching theme of CDL with specific reference to students with disability. This paper underpins the national project that was designed to critically investigate career development learning (CDL) for students with disability.

Download: Background paper (pdf)

Audit of current practice

The Audit of current practices presents the findings of a desktop audit of a range of CDL programs within Australia that exist across the student life cycle. The audit focused on programs that are specific to students with disability and that demonstrate good practice.

Download: Audit of current practice (pdf)

Final report

The Final report details the research purpose, methods and findings of the whole project.

The purpose of this project was to investigate and showcase good practice in the field of CDL for students with disability. The four stages of the research are described, with the main aim to develop a suite of accessible resources, the CDL Hub. These resources will continue to assist others in developing bespoke and contextualised approaches to support the CDL of students with disability.

Download: Final report (pdf 1.3MB)