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Podcast: The headspace University Support Program

This ADCET podcast is the audio version of our webinar: The headspace University Support Program presented by Martine Oglethorpe (Clinical Lead, University Support Program, headspace).

This ADCET Webinar, presented by Martine Oglethorpe (Clinical Lead, University Support Program, headspace) aimed to speak to all of the ways headspace can tailor mental health supports to the unique needs of universities and their staff and students. It also built awareness of the guiding principles that inform postvention supports and help seeking pathways.

headspace has received funding from the Department of Health Commonwealth, under the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Grant funding for a new piece of work that they are calling headspace University Support Program. This funding will enable headspace to deliver a support program, including education and training, critical review and capacity building of staff to build mentally healthy universities and implement postvention activities following a death by suicide.