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ADCET UDL Symposium: Enacting UDL - Enabling universal asynchronous approaches

Online presentation

Tertiary education enrolments have tended to increase over time, and with that, the diversity of tertiary student cohorts. This amplifies the need to diversify teaching and learning to ensure all students are enabled to reach their full potential within an inclusive educational culture. Students’ learning needs are now seen not only in the actual learning cycle, but also in their personal circumstances and how responsive the learning environment is to these. Inclusive equitable education is critical to offer a fair opportunity for all learners to succeed. The importance of a more universal design for learning approach is critical so that all students can access, engage, and express their understanding and application of theory to practice.

This presentation outlined a UDL approach at a tertiary institution course level for a large cohort of diverse learners across multiple campuses, and zoomed in on one aspect of the course which investigated the need for optimising the live recordings of classes in order to reach more learners. Moreover, this presentation considered the ways in which UDL can be applied not only in universal synchronous ways, but also through asynchronous approaches. These aim to engage students within the learning, provide opportunities for them to express their understanding and receive formative feedback, and enable more inclusive equitable learning opportunities for students who are unable to engage in online classes in real-time or who benefit from the affordances of asynchronous engagement.

The benefits of this approach were presented by hearing the voices of the students through these approaches. Other potential UDL approaches that have been recognised through this iterative process of change were also discussed.


Stuart Woodcock currently teaches in a range of areas, such as inclusive education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His established research areas focus on inclusive education, self- and collective efficacy, and the systemic support that is in place for teachers and principals to manage, teach, and differentiate inclusively.

Elizabeth Hitches teaches undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the areas of inclusive education, diversity, equity, and accessibility. Elizabeth is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her research interests lie in inclusive education at a national and international level, as well as equity, achievement, and wellbeing for students with accessibility requirements and/or disabilities

(June 2024)