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Accessible and inclusive amenities on campus

With Global Accessibility Awareness Day just around the corner (18 May) it's a good time to think about accessibility across various domains - physical, digital, learning and cultural.

Practitioners often inquire about accessible and inclusive amenities such as toilets and bathrooms, so we have put together some helpful guidelines to consider when planning or developing amenities that are suitable for a diverse range of users on campus.

This new page provides some guidelines and resources that may provide useful to you when having internal conversations about building or revitalising amenities on campus with an accessibility lens applied.

We have included some background information about legislation and building codes and Universal Design principles to help you frame conversations and planning processes.

We have also included guides and resources to some of the common amenities that tertiary education providers may need to consider including bathroom/toilet facilities, parking, student access rooms and animals and children on campus.

If you have any good practice examples of your own - send them to us to include on the page.