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ADCET Webinar: Reasonable Adjustment - What is reasonable?

Disability information provided by students and/or parents can vary from sparse to extremely detailed and complex. VET disability practitioners want to act in the best interests of the student, whilst also supporting VET educators to be inclusive and uphold the integrity of the relevant qualification.  

This session worked through the successful Reasonable Adjustment training delivered to educators at TAFE Queensland.

This session covered:

  • Why we have reasonable adjustment and the relation to the DDA 1992, Disability Standards for Education 2005 and Standards for RTO’s
  • When to apply consider and reasonable adjustment 
  • Communicating the process to teachers and educators
  • Why do some teachers seem frustrated or reluctant to engage
  • The historical issues for some students and parents
  • How teachers should evidence reasonable adjustment
  • WHS is not an excuse
  • NDIS support workers in VET 
  • Q&A

Audience: Disability practitioners in the VET sector will find this particularly relevant and it supports how you can deliver this information in your own organisation. New practitioners in Higher Education will also find this useful.


Brandon Taylor photo

Brandon Taylor is the Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy Manager for TAFE Queensland. Prior to this, he was the Student Support Manager serving the Brisbane region. He has worked in the VET sector as a teacher, Disability Officer and manager for 18 years. He has taught literacy, numeracy and life skills programs with disadvantaged youth, discrete learning programs for adults with disability in the workplace and additional support programs for students struggling to maintain their VET studies. He has managed multidisciplinary student support teams including counselling, disability, Indigenous and International Student Welfare.

Below are the weblinks and other resources mentioned in the webinar.

ADCET is hosted by the University of Tasmania