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ADCET Forum: New Disability Practitioners - VET

New to the VET sector? New to your role? Keen to hear from others with experience? This forum will be for you.

The forum aimed to:

  • Provide clarity on what is expected within your role, where does it start and end?
  • Provide tips and tricks when starting out in the role
  • Discuss what is reasonable when making reasonable adjustments
  • Identify key legislative frameworks that underpin your work

The panellists were: Stephen Manson (TAFE SA), Brandon Taylor and Sheena Cranwell (TAFE QLD) all with many years of experience in the VET Sector.


Stephen Manson photo

Stephen Manson commenced his current role managing TafeSA Student Services in 2017. Stephen has a Social Work background and has been working in student services and disability support services in post-secondary education for many years. Stephen is particularly interested in the important role post-secondary education plays in providing a pathway to employment for students with disabilities and other equity cohorts


Brandon Taylor photo

Brandon Taylor is the Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy Manager for TAFE Queensland.  Prior to this, Brandon was the Student Support Manager serving the Brisbane region. He has worked in the VET sector as a teacher, Disability Officer and manager for 18 years.  He has taught literacy, numeracy and life skills programs with disadvantaged youth, discrete learning programs for adults with disability in the workplace and additional support programs for students struggling to maintain their VET studies.  He has managed multidisciplinary student support teams including counselling, disability, Indigenous and International Student Welfare.

Sheena Cranwell photo

Sheena Cranwell – BSW [Hon] has worked with TAFE Queensland, as an AccessAbility Officer for over five years, working with Students with additional challenges in their studies. Sheena currently works with students studying in IT and Creative Arts at Southbank Campus. Additional professional experience includes Student Support at the University of Queensland, Research into the lived experience of Disability in several projects with Griffith University and the Health/Child Safety Sector. Her passion for Equitable Accessibility in an Educational Environment comes from being a parent of a child with multiple challenges in learning and recognition of the strengths all students bring with them to their studies.

Below are links to the ADCET web pages, weblinks and other resources mentioned in the webinar.
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