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ADCET Webinar: Incorporating UDL Principles within Assessment

ADCET presented this webinar in May 2019.  Dagmar Kminiak and Terri Mears from University of Sydney discussed the broad principles of Universal Design in assessment as covered in literature and the importance of incorporating multiple means of representation, action, expression and engagement within assessments. 

The presentation provided a brief overview of the practical steps that have been taken at The University of Sydney to begin the transformation of assessment planning to ensure that Universal Design principles are incorporated in the process. 


Dagmar Kminiak

Dagmar Kminiak - A management professional with a Psychology and Rehabilitation background. Dagmar has directed her employment career into creating change and an inclusive environment for students with disability in the post-secondary education sector.

Terri Mears

Terri Mears - Terri has over 20 years’ experience in the UK and Australia as an OT and a manager within the Disability Sector. Her experience in education includes provision of OT services in schools, managing therapy teams within school settings and the provision of professional development and training to staff, clients and students in a variety of settings. Her current role is Project Implementation Officer, Disability Action Plan for the University of Sydney, Australia.