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Medical Deans: Inherent Requirements for Studying Medicine in Australia and New Zealand

The Inherent Requirements for Studying Medicine in Australia and New Zealand was developed by Medical Deans for use in professional entry level medical training with the aim of providing the greatest access for students with a disability while ensuring safe clinical training.  Should a student have concerns about their capacity to meet the inherent requirements for studying medicine, discussion should take place about what adjustments may be necessary and reasonable. The Inherent Requirements document is a starting point for discussion between a school and an individual about the tasks and skills a student will need to be successful and how they will best achieve these outcomes.

The document has been provided to all medical schools as a guideline document and schools may choose whether they wish to adopt it as part of their local practice. The Inherent Requirements for Studying Medicine in Australia and New Zealand were reviewed again in 2019.  

In April 2021 saw the replacement of this guideline document by the release of Inclusive medical education: Guidance on medical program applicants and students with a disability This link will take you away from the ADCET website