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Secondary Education Staff (Qld) eLearning

Assisting secondary students with disability navigate the adult learning environment? The Secondary Education Staff (Qld) eLearning provides best practice tips and techniques and allows you to collect Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.  

This eLearning has five modules and aligns with four Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). It was developed in Queensland for Queensland schools by a committee of 30 members from school, tertiary (Vocational Education & Training and Higher Education), and government representatives. 

It is projected that nine out of ten new jobs created over the next five years will require post-secondary qualifications (National Skills Commission). Studies have shown that students who pursue further studies generally experience better socioeconomic, well-being and life outcomes. For students with disability, tertiary education offers an opportunity to pursue education tailored to their interests, abilities, and vocational goals. However, transitioning to tertiary education can be daunting, and students with disability may require additional support. As such, educators and school-based staff play a crucial role in preparing students for this transition. 

To ensure that students with disability have equitable access to tertiary education, secondary educators and school staff must recognise the critical role they play in this process. By providing guidance and support, secondary education staff can help students identify and pursue their interests and goals, ultimately empowering them to thrive in tertiary education and beyond. 

The Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability in a government submission in 2020 noted that the ‘Enrolment of people with disability in tertiary education is consistently outpacing the all-student average and is the fastest growing equity cohort in tertiary education’. We feel that this resource has been developed at the right time to be a great resource for the schools. 

Give your students the best possible chance to succeed in their tertiary studies.

This is a new addition to the Disability Awareness suite of resources. A Certificate listing the four aligned APST will be awarded on successful completion of the modules. 

Learn more about the Secondary Education Staff (Qld) resource