The risk to disability funding for tertiary education sector - ADCET in the Campus Morning Mail
Check out the Campus Morning Mail (9/06/2023) for our Op-Ed piece on current disability funding which sees ADCET in a precarious position with the loss of the National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) Program in the most recent Federal Budget.
A resource switch to individual universities means no central coordination for the fastest growing equity cohort.
The decision by the Federal Government to end the NDCO Program and divert those funds to boost the Disability Support Program (DSP) delivers uncertainty for ADCET but more so for the Sector.
ADCET has been delivering sector-led, evidence-based, strengths-based resources for better disability inclusion for over 20 years. The resources ADCET provides enable and empower disability practitioners, educators, professional support staff, and accessibility experts to enhance disability inclusion within their universities and support students with disability who want to participate and succeed in tertiary education.
Articles like this in the Campus Morning Mail and our campaign 'It's your ADCET' hopefully resonate with tertiary education institutions as the Department of Education consults with the sector on the best way forward.
As always, we thank Campus Morning Mail and especially Commissioning Editor Professor Sally Kift for their unwavering support.