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National Autism Strategy Survey - ADCET Submission

The Australian Government Department for Social Services is partnering with the Autism Collaborative Research Centre This link takes you away from the ADCET page to prepare a co-design approach to develop a National Autism Strategy This link takes you away from the ADCET page.

As part of the consultation Australians were invited to comment on a community attitudes survey.

ADCET has provided a response to this survey which is available below. The survey questions covered education, employment, health, social justice, and early childhood interventions. ADCET has limited its comments to areas of education and employment. 

Our submission includes:

  • challenges and solutions to better support Autistic people to transition and succeed in post-secondary education and employment
  • ongoing capacity-building in the tertiary education sector to better understand the needs of Autistic people
  • improved access to diagnostic and assessment testing which is strengths-based and understands the needs of Autistic people in tertiary education learning environments.

The submission draws on current research and best practice including resources contained on ADCET's website.