CDL Hub: Advice, tips and student stories
These resources are a series of concise and easily accessible information sheets aimed at students, parents/carers, educators and employers. They were developed from interviews and surveys and informed by current literature. Student stories were constructed from four of the interviews.
Advice, tips and student stories
Career development learning (CDL) hub for students living with disabilities
- Acquired injury: Franklin's Story (doc 2MB)
- Acquired injury: Franklin's Story (pdf)
- Advice for employers (doc 2MB)
- Advice for employers (pdf)
- Advice for university students (doc 2MB)
- Advice for university students (pdf)
- Chronic Illness: Ursulas Story (doc 2MB)
- Chronic Illness: Ursulas Story (pdf)
- Guide to language about disability (doc 2MB)
- Guide to language about disability (pdf)
- Guide to Language about disability (ppt 2.6MB)
- Guide to Language about disability (slides) (pdf 1MB)
- Mental Health: Amiras Story (doc 2MB)
- Mental Health: Amiras Story (pdf)
- Neurodivergent: Joans Story (doc 2MB)
- Neurodivergent: Joans Story (pdf)
- Tips for educators (doc 2MB)
- Tips for educators (pdf)
- Tips for parents (doc 2MB)
- Tips for parents (pdf)