2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005: Final Report
The Hon Alan Tudge MP, Minister for Education and Youth, released the final report on 12 March 2021. The final report makes 13 recommendations which reflect 4 reform directions:
- empowering and supporting students with disability and their families
- strengthening the knowledge and capability of educators and providers
- embedding accountability for the Standards throughout the education system
- building awareness and capability in the early childhood education and care sector.
A summary document is also available, which explains how the Review was undertaken, what the Review was found, and what it recommends. The summary document is also available in Auslan, Easy Read, and 11 languages.
The Australian Government will work closely with state and territory governments and education authorities to implement the recommendations. Changes will be made with help and advice from people with disability and educators. This will include and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability.